30 Jan

AI Photo Booth | AI Headshots for events

Get professional business headshots in minutes with our AI headshot generator.

Freshly re-launched for 2025, our AI Photo Booth headshot generator has been rebuilt once again!

We focus on realism and accuracy with our corporate headshot generator - it's unlike anything else available for corporate events.

Deliver a tangible value to your guests at your next tradeshow or event.

Also available for internal communications campaigns as a QR code or email based engagement.

Customizable to with clothing, environment and filters.

AI Photo booth | AI Headshots
AI Photo Booth for events - headshot theme examples

We've got a free demo below:


We've spend time focusing on the suitability for the middle eastern market and it cultural sensitivities.

AI Photo booth | AI Photo Booth Headshots
AI Photobooth headshots - with a diverse range of subjects

Images are created in around 30 seconds each - and can be combined with our other themes to deliver an engaging activation with real value for your audience!

Try it today!

AI Photo Booth Headshots for events